Spellcross - unit informations viewer

   This program is simple viewer for INFO.FS archive from Spellcross CD. It contains information texts and images for every unit. Everything you have to do is to open INFO.FS archive from CD. This program can also export unit images into BMP files (8-bit indexed format so it's not so big).
   Program was developed in BDS2006 Turbo C++ and tested only in M$ Windows XP so I have no idea how this will work in newer OS versions.

This is how it's look like

1 - Settings

   There is nothing to setup if you are using ENG version. For CZ version it's neccessary to ensure that config.ini contains valid code-page convertor path (CZ version uses CP895). Convertor definition file is located in CP folder. It's already setup correctly so if you won't mess with content of the program folder (and you have all files that should be in there) it should work properly. PL version uses CP1250 encoding so if you have code-page set to CP1250 in M$ Windows it should work correctly. Another language versions were not tested. Aditional convertors can be added easily by adding line into section [TEXT] in config.ini (it should be obvious from *.ini files comments).

2 - Licence

   It's freeware so you are free to use and redistribute it but only with all included files together (especially with this help) without any modifications!
   Since it's freeware you are using this at you own risk! Any possible dammage caused by this SW is your problem.
   If you don't agree with theese terms don't use this SW.

3 - Contact

   In case of some problems with this SW you can contact me at s.maslan@seznam.cz. Additional informations and new versions could be find here: http://www.spellcross.kvalitne.cz/units/spell_info_viewer/spell_info_viewer.html.

(c) 2011, Stanislav Mašláň - All rights reserved.